
Education is the process of transferring the knowledge that has been tried, applied and learned experiences together to be transferred to the next generations.

If there is a lack of knowledge on a subject, the people who will have the first experience should apply the trial-and-error method. Thus, the experience gained according to the results obtained will become “knowledge” over time and will become transferable to the next generations.

A competitor is an individual working in any business or race who does not do better than the other to achieve the same goal. What should you do to beat your opponent in sports? You must have worked harder than your opponent so that you can beat your opponent. This applies to all sports branches.

Importance of Education for Companies

After this brief training and definition of competitors, let’s come to the main topic of our article.

So, what is required for companies to gain an advantage over rival companies? Companies can create value thanks to the collective efforts of their individuals. This means that each of the individuals who make up the company definitely contributes to the value produced by the company.

However, in today’s world, the competition between companies is getting hotter day by day in order to get a bigger share of the cake (to reach the same goal in the race). Therefore, it is inevitable for companies to work harder to surpass their competitors. On the other hand, there is no need to waste time with trial and error to rediscover knowledge already acquired by others. At this point, training becomes inevitable for company employees. If a company’s employees have a low level of education, that company will actually spend time rediscovering a previously known knowledge, while a company made up of people with a high level of education will focus on the yet unknown and spend effort and money on new discoveries.

Most of the time, the time and money devoted to education is seen as a waste. Company personnel sent for training are perceived as if they were sent on leave. Sometimes the person who goes to training thinks he is on vacation. However, with education, the knowledge gained in decades before him is transferred to that person. I wish the person who took the training, or the manager of that person, were aware of this enough.

In summary, the most basic indicator in increasing the competitiveness of a company is the “Education Level” of the personnel in that company. The equity of the company, the visionary of the boss, the position of the company etc. factors are meaningful only if there is a staff with a high level of education.

What about Countries?

Can a similar situation be considered for countries? Is the education level of the citizens an indicator of the welfare level of the countries or being able to compete with other countries? The answer to this question is definitely “Yes”

Whether your country has as much underground or surface wealth as you want, those riches only make sense and gain value in the hands of people with a high level of education. If the education level of the people in a country is low, the riches coming from nature are used inefficiently and the resources are wasted.

At that time, it is inevitable for the people who make up companies and countries to constantly educate themselves in order to gain a competitive advantage (just like an athlete aiming for a championship).

As soon as a person says, “I have learned everything about this subject, this much information is enough for me”, a person starts to fall behind. Therefore, it is necessary to update the information at certain time intervals through education. Education should be seen as an indispensable and continuous need for people, like food and drinking water.

Since education increases the competitiveness of companies and the country and indirectly affects welfare positively, it should be organized by the state and repeated according to the current needs of all citizens with the slogan of “Lifelong Learning”.


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