Product Backlog in Scrum
Importance and Features of the Product Backlog Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash A product backlog is an ordered list of each item needed in the product. The backlog may contain new features or improvements for existing fixes or changes that need to be made to the product. The properties of a backlog item depend on the product or area of development work; Typically an item will have properties such as description, order, size and value. The product backlog items contain acceptance criteria to help test whether work has been completed. The only person responsible for the product backlog is the product owner. The activity of making changes to the product backlog is called Product Backlog Management . How to create and manage a Product Backlog? Everything starts with a goal or vision. The product owner is expected to define the features that the product should have. The product owner will seek to understand the business needs by constantly collaborating wit...